As Diablo 3's release draws near, Blizzard is revealing more information about the heroes of the Sanctuary - skills, videos, and background information. Included in that information are short stories for each of the playable characters in Diablo 3.
To help players catch up to speed before the game's May 15th release, Blizzard has compiled four of the five class short stores: Monk, Barbarian, Demon Hunter, and Witch Doctor.
Monk - Unyielding by Matt Burns
"When the ill wind blows, the tree that bends will break."
Zhota could not silence Akyev's parting words. They had dogged his every step for the past weeks. By day, the memory of his master's voice was only a whisper, but when night came, it reached a fever pitch.
Tonight was the same... Tonight he knew he would be tested again.
Barbarian - Wayfarer by Cameron Dayton
Demon Hunter - Hatred and Discipline by Micky Nielson
Witch Doctor - Doubtwalker by Matt Burns
With four stories told, all that remains is the story for Wizard. I strongly recommend reading each one if you enjoy the Diablo lore. Each one is a quick read consisting of about seven pages and fans seem to be pretty impressed with the writing.
In other Diablo 3 news, Blizzard recently announced the global launch events. Only one official launch event will be hosted in the U.S. at a GameStop in Irvine, California.
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